Mobius Final Fantasy Wiki

Card 357 EN Gold Gigantuar 2
Job TypeMaterial Icon Material
Element None

Card 358 EN Gold Gigantuar 3
Job TypeMaterial Icon Material
Element None

Card 359 EN Gold Gigantuar 4
Job TypeMaterial Icon Material
Element None

A golden subgenus of the gigantuar.

Selling this card will net you a large amount of Gil.
~ In-game description

[NONE] Gold Gigantuar (Card) is one of the Material Ability Cards in Mobius Final Fantasy. It can be found in the Gigantuar Terrace.

Gold Gigantuar (Card) are highly valuable, and selling these cards will net you a large amount of Gil. The amount of Gil earned is based on the card rarity.

Rarity Gil
2★ 12000
3★ 50000
4★ 120000