Mobius Final Fantasy Wiki
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function Utils.test()
function Utils.test(frame)
auto = require( 'Module:AutoAbilities' )
return _VERSION
return auto.test( frame.arg[1] )

Revision as of 12:58, 8 September 2016

local Utils = {}

--[[ Explode a str into a table of fragments delimited by separator.
If limit is provided the resulting table will have limit entries.
credit: improved to add a limit
function Utils.explode( sep, str, limit )
    if ( sep == '' ) then return false end
    local pos, arr = 0, {}
    local i = 1
    local limit = limit or 0
    -- for each divider found
    for st, sp in function() return string.find( str, sep, pos, true ) end do
        if i == limit then break end
        table.insert( arr, string.sub(str, pos, st-1) ) -- Attach chars left of current divider
        pos = sp + 1 -- Jump past current divider
        i = i + 1
    table.insert( arr, string.sub(str, pos) ) -- Attach chars right of last divider
    return arr

function Utils.trim( str )
	return mw.text.trim( str )

--[[ Removes disambig parenthesis at the end of the title.
frame is required for the function to work both from a module or from a wikipage
limit defines how many disambig parts must be removed (default is 1)
title is the text to work on (default is current page title if not defined)
function Utils.cleanTitle( title, limit )
	title = title or mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitle()
	limit = limit or 1
	for i=1, limit do
		if string.match( title, ".*%(" ) == nil then break end
		title = string.match( title, ".*%(" )
		title = mw.text.trim( title:sub( 1, #title-1 ) )
	return title

function Utils.cleanLink( title, limit )
	return "[[" .. title .. "|" .. Utils.cleanTitle( title, limit ) .. "]]"

-- Make the first lettre a maj
function Utils.startMaj( text )
	text = text or ""
	return string.upper( text:sub( 1, 1 ) ) .. text:sub( 2 )

-- Returns a color code base on element
function Utils.color( element )
	local element = element
	local color = "inherit"
	if element == "fire" then
		color = "#f44336"
	elseif element == "water" then
		color = "#2196f3"
	elseif element == "earth" then
		color = "#795548"
    elseif element == "wind" then
		color = "#8bc34a"
    elseif element == "dark" then
		color = "#673ab7"
    elseif element == "light" then
		color = "#ffc107"
    elseif element == "life" then
		color = "#f06292"
    elseif element == "prismatic" then
    return color

-- Color text based on element
function Utils.colorText( text, element )
	local text = text or ""
	local element = element
	local span = mw.html.create( 'span' )
	span	:css( 'color', Utils.color( element ) )
			:wikitext( text )
	return tostring( span )

-- Display stars
function Utils.stars( n )
	local n = n or 1
		local rotate = function( elmt, angle )
		return elmt:css( 'transform', "rotateZ(" .. angle .. "deg)" )
	local lheight = function( elmt, lh )
		return elmt:css( 'line-height', lh )
	local lspacing = function( elmt, ls )
		return elmt:css( 'letter-spacing', ls .. 'px' )

	local s = mw.html.create( 'span' )
	s:wikitext( "★" ):css( 'display', "inline-block" )

	local stars = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	stars:css( { ['text-align'] = 'center', display = 'inline-block' } )

	if n == 1 then
		stars:wikitext( tostring(s) )
	elseif n == 2 then
		rotate( stars, "-30" ); rotate( s, "30" )
		lheight( stars, "0.6" ); lspacing( stars, "-3" )
		stars:wikitext( tostring(s):rep(2) )
	elseif n == 3 then
		rotate( stars, "-20" ); rotate( s, "20" )
		lheight( stars, "0.6" ); lspacing( stars, "-1" )
		stars:wikitext( "<div>"..tostring(s).."</div>"
			.."<div>"..tostring(s):rep(2).."</div>" )
	elseif n == 4 then
		rotate( stars, "-15" ); rotate( s, "15" )
		lheight( stars, "0.75" ); lspacing( stars, "-2" )
		stars:wikitext( "<div>"..tostring(s):rep(2).."</div>"
			.."<div>"..tostring(s):rep(2).."</div>" )
	elseif n == 5 then
		lheight( stars, "0.4" ); lspacing( stars, "1" )
		stars:wikitext( "<div>"..tostring(s):rep(2).."</div>"
			.."<div>"..tostring(s):rep(2).."</div>" )
	return tostring( stars )

-- Sort a table with numeric keys after some of them are removed
function Utils.sortTable( t )
	local sorted = {}
	local j = 1
	for i=1, #t do
		if t[i] ~= nil then
			sorted[j] = t[i]
			j = j + 1
	return sorted

function Utils.test(frame)
	auto = require( 'Module:AutoAbilities' )
	return auto.test( frame.arg[1] )

return Utils