Mobius Final Fantasy Wiki
Terra Battle Symphony Banner
They say there are as many stories as there are stars in the sky. This once, one of those stars crossed stories with ours. Their fantastic world was not so much different from our own.
~ In-Game Description

Terra Battle: Symphony of Reverie is a limited-time collaboration event in Mobius Final Fantasy. The event runs from April 17, 2017 to May 15, 2017. The battle mechanic Fatigue is introduced in this event.


Terra Battle Symphony Region
  • All locations in this region are teleportation points.
  • There are 37 areas, 36 treasure chests, and 7 locked routes.
  • All the Terra Battle ability cards in "Permanent Drops" column will be dropped in their ★3 version if the player augmented the card in question to ★3 rarity or higher. You can't obtain ★2 version anymore after augmentation.
Name Stamina Cost Battles First Time Reward Permanent Drops Notes
The Maker's Ship: Animata 3 2 Always Marked as Complete
1st Layer: Planet Crust 3 2 Gigantuar 3
1st Layer: Warrior's Guise 3 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Crust Loop (x1)
Seed fire (x30000)
Before unlocking 2nd Layer:

Bahl the Dark Duelist (Card)

After unlocking 2nd Layer:

Terra Fragment (Card) (Common)

Bahl the Dark Duelist (Card) or Bahl the Dark Warrior (Card) (Uncommon)

Boss FireWarrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Duelist sighted.
Mage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Tormented ★2 fatigues target.
1st Layer: Planet Crust 2 3 2 Gigantuar 3
1st Layer: Archer's Guise 3 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Crust Loop (x1)
Seed wind (x30000)
Before unlocking 2nd Layer:

Grace the Archer (Card)

After unlocking 2nd Layer:

Terra Fragment (Card) (Common)

Grace the Archer (Card) or Grace the Markswoman (Card) (Uncommon)

Boss WindRanger Icon[WIND]Grace the Archer sighted.
Warrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Duelist ★2 fatigues target.
1st Layer: Planet Crust 3 3 2 Gigantuar 3
1st Layer: Knight's Guise 3 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Crust Loop (x1)
Seed earth (x30000)
Before unlocking 2nd Layer:

Ma'curi the Tormented (Card)

After unlocking 2nd Layer:

Terra Fragment (Card) (Common)

Ma'curi the Tormented (Card) or Ma'curi the Tortured (Card) (Uncommon)

Boss EarthMage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Tormented sighted.
Ranger Icon[WIND]Grace the Archer ★2 fatigues target.
2nd Layer: Mage's Guise 4 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Icon Crystal Crystal (x1)
Icon Ability Ticket Ability Ticket (x5)
Seed water (x30000)
Before unlocking 3rd Layer:

Amina the Nurse (Card)

After unlocking 3rd Layer:

Terra Fragment (Card) (Common)

Amina the Nurse (Card) or Amina the Medic (Card) (Uncommon)

Boss WaterSupport Icon[WATER]Amina the Nurse sighted.
All ★2 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Locked: Use Crust Loop (x3)

2nd Layer: Warrior's Dream 4 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Mantle Loop (x1)
Seed fire (x50000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss FireWarrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Warrior sighted.
Mage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Tortured ★3 fatigues target.
2nd Layer: Planet Mantle 4 2 Cactuar 4
2nd Layer: Archer's Dream 4 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Mantle Loop (x1)
Seed wind (x50000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss WindRanger Icon[WIND]Grace the Markswoman sighted.
Warrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Warrior ★3 fatigues target.
2nd Layer: Planet Mantle 2 4 2 Cactuar 4
2nd Layer: Knight's Dream 4 3 MetalCactuar4 Icon Metal Cactuar ★4
Mantle Loop (x1)
Seed earth (x50000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss EarthMage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Tortured sighted.
Ranger Icon[WIND]Grace the Markswoman ★3 fatigues target.
3rd Layer: Mage's Dream 5 3 Metal Gigantuar 4
Icon Crystal Crystal (x3)
Icon Ability Ticket Ability Ticket (x10)
Seed water (x50000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) (Common)

Amina the Nurse (Card) or Amina the Medic (Card) (Uncommon)

Boss WaterSupport Icon[WATER]Amina the Medic sighted.
All ★3 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Locked: Use Mantle Loop (x3)

3rd Layer: Warrior's Soul 5 3 Metal Gigantuar 4
Core Loop (x1)
Seed fire (x100000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss FireWarrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero sighted.
Mage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr ★4 fatigues target.
3rd Layer: Planet Core 5 3 Gigantuar 4
3rd Layer: Archer's Soul 5 3 Metal Gigantuar 4
Core Loop (x1)
Seed wind (x100000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss WindRanger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger sighted.
Warrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero ★4 fatigues target.
3rd Layer: Planet Core 2 5 3 Gigantuar 4
3rd Layer: Knight's Soul 5 3 Metal Gigantuar 4
Core Loop (x1)
Seed earth (x100000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss EarthMage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr sighted.
Ranger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger ★4 fatigues target.
Final Layer: Mage's Soul 5 3 Metal Gigantuar 4
Icon Crystal Crystal (x5)
Icon Ability Ticket Ability Ticket (x15)
Seed water (x100000)
Terra Fragment Λ (Card) (Common)

Amina the Nurse (Card) or Amina the Medic (Card) (Uncommon)

Boss WaterSupport Icon[WATER]Amina the Saint sighted.
All ★4 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Locked: Use Core Loop (x3)

Stratosphere: Warrior's Return 7 3 Warp Shard (x5)
Stratosphere: Archer's Return 7 3 Mog Amulet 4
Stratosphere: Knight's Return 7 3 Extranger 4
Terminal: Hiso Planet 7 3 Hiso Alien
Icon Crystal Crystal (x5)
Icon Summon Ticket Summon Ticket
Clears Terra Battle: Symphony of Reverie
Low Orbit 7 3 Icon Ability Ticket Ability Ticket (x5)
Seed light (x50000)
Seed dark (x50000)
Echo the Beguiling (Card) or Echo the Illuminating (Card)


Boss Light[LIGHT]Echo the Beguiling sighted.

All ★2 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Exosphere: Warrior's Sky 1 6 3 Gigantuar 4

Metal Gigantuar 4

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss FireWarrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero sighted.
Mage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr ★4 fatigues target.
Exosphere: Warrior's Sky 2 6 3 Gold Gigantuar 4

Phoenix Down (x2)

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss FireWarrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero sighted.
Mage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr ★4 fatigues target.
Exosphere: Warrior's Sky 3 7 3 Fire Pneuma 4

Void Loop (x1)

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss FireBoss WaterWarrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero and [WATER]Amina the Saint sighted.
Mage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr ★4 fatigues both targets.
Exosphere: Archer's Sky 1 6 3 Gigantuar 4

Metal Gigantuar 4

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss WindRanger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger sighted.
Warrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero ★4 fatigues target.
Exosphere: Archer's Sky 2 6 3 Gold Gigantuar 4

Water Pneuma 4

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss WindRanger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger sighted.
Warrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero ★4 fatigues target.
Exosphere: Archer's Sky 3 7 3 Wind Pneuma 4

Void Loop (x1)

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss WindBoss WaterRanger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger and [WATER]Amina the Saint sighted.
Warrior Icon[FIRE]Bahl the Dark Hero ★4 fatigues both targets.
Exosphere: Knight's Sky 1 6 3 Gigantuar 4

Metal Gigantuar 4

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss EarthMage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr sighted.
Ranger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger ★4 fatigues target.
Exosphere: Knight's Sky 2 6 3 Gold Gigantuar 4

Elixer (x2)

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss EarthMage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr sighted.
Ranger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger ★4 fatigues target.
Exosphere: Knight's Sky 3 7 3 Earth Pneuma 4

Void Loop (x1)

Terra Fragment Λ (Card) Boss EarthBoss WaterMage Icon[EARTH]Ma'curi the Martyr and [WATER]Amina the Saint sighted.
Ranger Icon[WIND]Grace the Ranger ★4 fatigues both targets.
Animata: Prow 7 3 Crystal (x5)

Ability Ticket (x10)

Light (x100000)

Gigamoogle (Card)


Boss Light[LIGHT]Echo the Illuminating sighted.

All ★3 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Locked: Use Void Loop (x1)

Animata: Helm 8 3 Gold Opener (x1)

Ability Ticket (x20)

Dark (x100000)

Teramoogle (Card)


Boss Light[LIGHT]Echo the Otherworldly sighted.

All ★4 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Locked: Use Void Loop (x2)

Animata: Reactor 10 3 Light Pneuma 4

Dark Pneuma 4

Summon Ticket (x2)

Giga-Moggy (Card)


Boss Light[LIGHT]Echo Λ sighted.

All ★5 Terra Battle cards fatigue the target.

Locked: Use Void Loop (x2)

Achievements & Rewards


Normal Fiends

  • Fire
    • TBD
  • Water
    • TBD
  • Wind
    • TBD

Rare Fiends

  • TBD

Boss Fiends

See also: List of Terra Battle cards

External links
